Readjusting And Organizing!

Here's a general update on what's been happening with the site. I've had a shift in perspective regarding how I envision it. Since I only had a few posts up, I unpublished them. I will republish them, and they'll all be connected to the main site, but they'll be part of different spaces. The main site will directly link you to these other sites. It will all make sense—the site itself will function as a hub, where the tabs will take you to your respective media of choice.

I'm incorporating platforms like Medium, Vocal, and Ko-fi. Of course, you'll see content related to YouTube and TikTok, but I'm trying to leverage other platforms to help organize everything. This may or may not work out, but I recently, you could say, hired a manager. The unfortunate problem is that I need to build the site enough to make it a valuable service or source of content for the audience. Once I achieve that, I'll be able to sustain myself, which will then make it much easier to eventually sustain them as well. I feel like this is typical for anyone working independently.

I plan on doing more collaborative work when I can to maximize reach. I'm prioritizing this approach to hopefully build from the ground up. If everyone's starting from zero, not everyone will be able to invest in brand new creators. But if I can dedicate the time, things will look good on the site.

I thank you for your patience if you happen to stumble upon it during this time of… I don't know… retrofitting? That probably doesn't even work there.